Miksi yksityisleasing

Why Private lease?

The benefits of Private Lease

How it works

Leaseplan car return icon

1. Find the car that suits you

We have selected a wide range of vehicles for consumers. All you need to do is choose the one that suits you best.


2. Request a quote

Once you've found the right car for you, you can request a quote online!

Our consumer sales team will contact you within 2 working days, to go through all the details. After some required credit checks, you are good to go!

Leaseplan FAQ icon

3. Need help?

Couldn't find the right car for you? Do you need more help with Private leasing?

Contact our consumer sales team - they will answer all your question as soon as possible.

What you need to know about private leasing?

How quickly can I get a car? Are the cars used or new? The timeframe for receiving a car always depends on the supplier's stock situation and sometimes delivery can be as short as a few weeks. Please note that delivery times for cars have been extended due to global component shortages, among other things. Read more [here](targetSelf:/sitecore/service/notfound.aspx?item=web%3a%7b72DF4336-5A4F-40EA-AAEB-9636AC5C6AC8%7d%40en). **Are the cars used or new?** Cars are always new.What is included in the contract? What is not included? What does the insurance cover? **What does it take to get a credit decision?** You must be at least 21 years old and not in arrears. **What is included in the contract fee?** Drivalia is responsible for financing the vehicle, its equipment, delivery and initial registration costs. The vehicle equipment includes a set of winter tyres and rims supplied by Drivalia's contract partner. Drivalia will be responsible for the depreciation and resale value of the Vehicle, as well as for the maintenance, repair and tyre costs arising from normal use in accordance with clause 3.1. This includes the following maintenance, repair and tyre services carried out by Drivalia's contract partner:    - Periodic maintenance and inspections   - Scheduled maintenance and servicing carried out as part of a maintenance programme   - Repair of technical faults (normal wear and tear) and broken fuses and replacement of wiper blades   - Oil and coolant top-ups (internal combustion engines)   - Replacement of summer and winter tyres supplied with the vehicle due to normal wear and tear, replacement work and seasonal changes  **What additional services can be included in the contract?**   - Replacement vehicle for periodic maintenance (category A / 1 day per service / max 100 km per day)   - Tyre storage with Drivalia's contract partners    - Low-cost traffic and comprehensive insurance **What is not included in the contract fee?** Vehicle tax Fuel/charging Washes Any non-contractual measures must be paid directly by the customer at the Drivalia partner's service point. **How can I cancel my contract?** You can cancel your contract within 14 days of signing it. Cancel your contract using this form. **What is covered by the insurance?** See our [insurance brochure](targetSelf:/-/media/leaseplan-digital/fi/pdf-files/leaseplan_yksityisleasingvakuutus_esite.pdf?rev=6d99d838cff14d5cbe497502f0c3af58) for more details.Can I extend my lease? What do I do when the contract period is about to expire? The possibility of extending your lease will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Drivalia Customer Service to discuss the extension of your contract.   **What do I do when the contract period is coming to an end?** We will contact you regarding the expiry of your contract approximately nine to six (9-6) months before the end of your car lease. At the same time, we can explore ordering a new car or, alternatively, we can provide you with instructions on how to return your car. **What do I do when my contract expires?** You can read the [return instructions](targetSelf:/en-fi/my-lease-car/return-your-car/). Please also read the guide "[Instructions for returning a car - private leasing](targetSelf:/-/media/leaseplan-digital/fi/pdf-files/opas-auton-palautukseen-2022-yksityisleasing.pdf?rev=01caebc5130a4005a1401e630316d6bd)".What if I drive more kilometres per year than I planned? How are the kilometres reported? If your mileage is more than you estimated at the beginning of the contract period, please let us know immediately and we will see together what can be done about the contract. **How do I report the kilometres I drive?** We will send you a mileage survey during the contract period. Please answer it as soon as you receive it.Can I take the car abroad? You can drive your car around the Nordic countries without any worries. If you are planning to travel outside the Nordic countries, please contact Drivalia Customer Service well in advance to obtain the necessary documents and ensure insurance cover.How are maintenance and repairs carried out? - Our national service number is 0207 420 900 - [Service booking form](targetBlank:https://care.biila.io/leaseplan) **Damage and defects - instructions** For any damage to your car, even minor damage, fill in a damage report as soon as you notice the damage. Damage reported too late may not be covered by insurance companies. All damage repairs must be carried out by a Drivalia approved repairer. For further instructions, click [here](targetSelf:/en-fi/my-lease-car/maintenance-repair/). For help on the road, contact LeasePlan Roadside Assistance on 0207 420 899. Calling the number is free of charge. Please note that roadside assistance (e.g. towing) is subject to a charge. What are my responsibilities as a car user? - I follow the maintenance programme and Drivalia's instructions, and act in accordance with the terms of the contract. - I check the engine oil and coolant regularly when I have an internal combustion engine car. The car owner's manual will tell you how to do this. If necessary, I contact the Drivalia service number on 0207 420 900. - I will report any damage to the car immediately [here](targetSelf:/en-fi/damage-form/), regardless of who caused the damage. - I will promptly repair any pebble damage to the windscreen. If the windscreen has already cracked, the glass should be replaced. Windscreen damage will be dealt with in accordance with the insurance policy in force. - I will ensure that tyre pressures are in accordance with the car's owner's manual. Ensure that my car is inspected on time, as a not inspected car will be immediately banned from driving. Drivalia monitors the mileage of the car and compares it with the budgeted mileage for the contract. So please always provide us with your mileage when we ask for it.

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